As part of the Nitric Acid Climate Action Group (“NACAG”) initiative, Austin Powder Argentina, Petrochemical Division, is inviting interested parties to participate in the tender for technology for the tertiary abatement of N2O. The aim is to select a supplier of technology for the tertiary abatement of Nitrous Oxide (N2O) for its nitric acid production plant located at Austin Powder Argentina S.A. Petrochemical, El Galpón – Salta – Argentina.
Stage 1 – Publication and Opening of Tender: The publication and opening of the International Public Tender will take place, where the evaluation criteria, deadlines, technical, legal, and financial conditions of the contracting process for the tender for the provision of technology for the tertiary abatement of nitrous oxide (N2O) will be reflected.
Stage 2 – Proposal Evaluation Period by the Inviting Party: The evaluation of proposals for the International Public Tender will be conducted, where the process for the provision of technology for the tertiary abatement of nitrous oxide (N2O) will be audited by an external party.
To participate in this Tender, interested parties must follow these steps:
NOTE: The questions and answers from the previous bid (Year: 2024) have been uploaded. However, they are provided only as a reference for bidders.
We are a traditional manufacturer of initiation systems for industrial blasting operations and an important technological and research base for production and further development of initiation systems.
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