Shock*Star Surface Connectors include Quick-Relay Connectors and Surface Delay Connectors. Shock*Star Quick-Relay Connectors are specially designed for the initiation of other shock tube detonators as a delay between holes or decks within a hole. Quick-Relay Connectors are equipped with connector blocks able to contain 8 outgoing shock tubes yet have a lowered base charge to reduce noise levels and shrapnel cut-off concerns.
These detonators are available in 9 delays from instantaneous (0 ms) to 200 ms. (Quick-Relay Connectors should never be used to attempt initiation of detonating cord) Shock*Star Surface Delay Connectors are powerful, versatile detonators designed for compatibility with both shock tube and detonating cord initiation systems. Connector blocks are able to hold up to 8 outgoing shock tubes or initiate 10 to 200-grain detonating cord. These detonators are available in 8 delays from instantaneous (0 ms) to 200 ms.
We are a traditional manufacturer of initiation systems for industrial blasting operations and an important technological and research base for production and further development of initiation systems.
Visit SiteAustin Powder Service CZ implements the latest technologies and products for blasting works, such as laser profiling, electronic modeling, and electronic detonators.