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Static*Star Detonator

Static*Star Electric Seismic Detonator for the Geophysical Industry

The Static*Star detonator is specifically designed for the harsh conditions encountered in a modern 3-D seismic survey. The two-part pressed fit sealing plug, combined with a newly designed adhesion compound, ensures protection from the environment of salt and brackish waters for extended periods of time. With the largest base charge in the industry, Static*Star electric detonators will initiate all detonator sensitive seismic explosives.


  • 900 mg RDX and/or PETN base charge far exceeds the standard #8 strength detonator.
  • Designed for extended sleep time in salt / brackish water use.
  • Consistent break time when firing with 3-10 amperes DC current.
  • No fire current of 0.45 amperes for extra protection from electrostatic discharge.
  • Two part sealing plug for protection from water.
  • Resistant to temperature extremes from -40°F / -40oC to 150°F / 66o
  • # 20 AWG, high abrasion resistant, Yellow HDPE insulated wire.
  • Protected primary explosive charge.

Product Documents

Safety Data Sheets
Electric & Electronic Detonators – SDS
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Product Information Brochures
Static Star – 2
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We are a traditional manufacturer of initiation systems for industrial blasting operations and an important technological and research base for production and further development of initiation systems.

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Austin Powder Service CZ implements the latest technologies and products for blasting works, such as laser profiling, electronic modeling, and electronic detonators.

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