Below are examples of how our highly trained technical experts have helped customers, just like you, save time and money. Benefit Studies can be searched by a wide variety of topics, to help you find exactly what you are looking for.
33% Cost Reduction and 15% Load Factor Improvement at Mina Jilguero
40 Workdays Saved for the Largest Infrastructure Project in Norway
Bold Solution for 90' Burden Removal
Bulk Emulsion Underground Decreases NOx by 80%
Catskill NY Quarry Loads & Blasts 208,412 Tons in a Single Day
Complex Ridge Removal Project Shows Capabilities of Austin Technical Teams
E*STAR System Implementation Yields 33% Cost Reduction
Explosive Volume Reduced by 9% in Swedish Mine
Finding Solutions, Correcting Inefficiencies and Managing Change after a Two Year Shutdown
Highway Slip Remediation Ensures Safety and Compliance
Limestone Quarry Blasting Optimization in South Antofagasta
Methodical Blast Pattern Expansion Breaks Production Records and Reduces Costs by 17.8%
Narrow Vein Blast Using Electric and Non-Electric Detonator Breaks More than 2,000 Metric Tons
Optimization with Combined Measures - E*STAR and Fragmentation Analysis
Optimized Blasting and Cost Reduction in Tennessee Quarry
Quarry Continues to Operate with Limited Impact to its Neighbors
Quarry Fragmentation Improves by 15% while Secondary Breakage is Reduced by 67%
RFID Technology Reduces Logging Time by More Than 50%
Red D GEM Reaches 600 Blasts and Generates Impressive Savings for Chihuahua Mine
Reducing NOx while Maintaining Excellent Fragmentation and Diggability in Large Iron Ore Mine
Reduction of Ground Vibrations by 14% with Blast Size Increase by 300%
Strategic Blasting for Conveyor Installation 50 Feet from Plant
33% Cost Reduction and 15% Load Factor Improvement at Mina Jilguero
Bold Solution for 90' Burden Removal
Castkill NY Quarry Loads and Blasts 208,412 Tons in a Single Day
Complex Ridge Removal Project Shows Capabilities of Austin Technical Teams
E*STAR System Implementation Yields 33% Cost Reduction
Explosive Volume Reduced by 9% in Swedish Mine
Finding Solutions, Correcting Inefficiencies and Managing Change after a Two Year Shutdown
Highway Slip Remediation Ensures Safety and Compliance
Limestone Quarry Blasting Optimization in South Antofagasta
Methodical Blast Pattern Expansion Breaks Production Records and Reduces Costs by 17.8%
Optimization with Combined Measures - E*STAR and Fragmentation Analysis
Optimized Blasting and Cost Reduction in Tennessee Quarry
Quarry Continues to Operate with Limited Impact to its Neighbors
Quarry Fragmentation Improves by 15% while Secondary Breakage is Reduced by 67%
RFID Technology Reduces Logging Time by More Than 50%
Reducing NOx while Maintaining Excellent Fragmentation and Diggability in Large Iron Ore Mine
Reduction of Ground Vibrations by 14% with Blast Size Increase by 300%
Strategic Blasting for Conveyor Installation 50 Feet from Plant
40 Workdays Saved for the Largest Infrastructure Project in Norway
Bulk Emulsion Underground Decreases NOx by 80%
Narrow Vein Blast Using Electric and Non-Electric Detonator Breaks More than 2,000 Metric Tons
Red D GEM Reaches 600 Blasts and Generates Impressive Savings for Chihuahua Mine
40 Workdays Saved for the Largest Infrastructure Project in Norway
Explosive Volume Reduced by 9% in Swedish Mine
Finding Solutions, Correcting Inefficiencies and Managing Change after a Two Year Shutdown
Methodical Blast Pattern Expansion Breaks Production Records and Reduces Costs by 17.8%
Narrow Vein Blast Using Electric and Non-Electric Detonator Breaks More than 2,000 Metric Tons
Red D GEM Reaches 600 Blasts and Generates Impressive Savings for Chihuahua Mine
Reducing NOx while Maintaining Excellent Fragmentation and Diggability in Large Iron Ore Mine
33% Cost Reduction and 15% Load Factor Improvement at Mina Jilguero
Bold Solution for 90' Burden Removal
Bulk Emulsion Underground Decreases NOx by 80%
Castkill NY Quarry Loads and Blasts 208,412 Tons in a Single Day
Complex Ridge Removal Project Shows Capabilities of Austin Technical Teams
E*STAR System Implementation Yields 33% Cost Reduction
Highway Slip Remediation Ensures Safety and Compliance
Limestone Quarry Blasting Optimization in South Antofagasta
Optimization with Combined Measures - E*STAR and Fragmentation Analysis
Optimized Blasting and Cost Reduction in Tennessee Quarry
Quarry Continues to Operate with Limited Impact to its Neighbors
Quarry Fragmentation Improves by 15% while Secondary Breakage is Reduced by 67%
RFID Technology Reduces Logging Time by More Than 50%
Reduction of Ground Vibrations by 14% with Blast Size Increase by 300%
Strategic Blasting for Conveyor Installation 50 Feet from Plant
Narrow Vein Blast Using Electric and Non-Electric Detonator Breaks More than 2,000 Metric Tons
Quarry Fragmentation Improves by 15% while Secondary Breakage is Reduced by 67%
Bulk Emulsion Underground Decreases NOx by 80%
33% Cost Reduction and 15% Load Factor Improvement at Mina Jilguero
40 Workdays Saved for the Largest Infrastructure Project in Norway
Bold Solution for 90' Burden Removal
Castkill NY Quarry Loads and Blasts 208,412 Tons in a Single Day
Complex Ridge Removal Project Shows Capabilities of Austin Technical Teams
E*STAR System Implementation Yields 33% Cost Reduction
Explosive Volume Reduced by 9% in Swedish Mine
Highway Slip Remediation Ensures Safety and Compliance
Limestone Quarry Blasting Optimization in South Antofagasta
Optimization with Combined Measures - E*STAR and Fragmentation Analysis
Optimized Blasting and Cost Reduction in Tennessee Quarry
Quarry Continues to Operate with Limited Impact to its Neighbors
Quarry Fragmentation Improves by 15% while Secondary Breakage is Reduced by 67%
RFID Technology Reduces Logging Time by More Than 50%
Red D GEM Reaches 600 Blasts and Generates Impressive Savings for Chihuahua Mine
Reduction of Ground Vibrations by 14% with Blast Size Increase by 300%
Strategic Blasting for Conveyor Installation 50 Feet from Plant
Castkill NY Quarry Loads and Blasts 208,412 Tons in a Single Day
Highway Slip Remediation Ensures Safety and Compliance
40 Workdays Saved for the Largest Infrastructure Project in Norway
Narrow Vein Blast Using Electric and Non-Electric Detonator Breaks More than 2,000 Metric Tons
Optimization with Combined Measures - E*STAR and Fragmentation Analysis
Quarry Fragmentation Improves by 15% while Secondary Breakage is Reduced by 67%
Reduction of Ground Vibrations by 14% with Blast Size Increase by 300%
Bulk Emulsion Underground Decreases NOx by 80%
Castkill NY Quarry Loads and Blasts 208,412 Tons in a Single Day
Complex Ridge Removal Project Shows Capabilities of Austin Technical Teams
Finding Solutions, Correcting Inefficiencies and Managing Change after a Two Year Shutdown
Highway Slip Remediation Ensures Safety and Compliance
Methodical Blast Pattern Expansion Breaks Production Records and Reduces Costs by 17.8%
Narrow Vein Blast Using Electric and Non-Electric Detonator Breaks More than 2,000 Metric Tons
Optimization with Combined Measures - E*STAR and Fragmentation Analysis
Quarry Continues to Operate with Limited Impact to its Neighbors
RFID Technology Reduces Logging Time by More Than 50%
Red D GEM Reaches 600 Blasts and Generates Impressive Savings for Chihuahua Mine
Reducing Nox while Maintaining Excellent Fragmentation and Diggability in Large Iron Ore Mine
Bold Solution for 90' Burden Removal
Castkill NY Quarry Loads and Blasts 208,412 Tons in a Single Day
Complex Ridge Removal Project Shows Capabilities of Austin Technical Teams
Explosive Volume Reduced by 9% in Swedish Mine
Highway Slip Remediation Ensures Safety and Compliance
Optimization with Combined Measures - E*STAR and Fragmentation Analysis
Quarry Continues to Operate with Limited Impact to its Neighbors
Quarry Fragmentation Improves by 15% while Secondary Breakage is Reduced by 67%
Reduction of Ground Vibrations by 14% with Blast Size Increase by 300%
Bulk Emulsion Underground Decreases NOx by 80%
Narrow Vein Blast Using Electric and Non-Electric Detonator Breaks More than 2,000 Metric Tons
Narrow Vein Blast Using Electric and Non-Electric Detonator Breaks More than 2,000 Metric Tons
Red D GEM Reaches 600 Blasts and Generates Impressive Savings for Chihuahua Mine
Narrow Vein Blast Using Electric and Non-Electric Detonator Breaks More than 2,000 Metric Tons
Red D GEM Reaches 600 Blasts and Generates Impressive Savings for Chihuahua Mine
33% Cost Reduction and 15% Load Factor Improvement at Mina Jilguero
40 Workdays Saved for the Largest Infrastructure Project in Norway
Bold Solution for 90' Burden Removal
E*STAR System Implementation Yields 33% Cost Reduction
Methodical Blast Pattern Expansion Breaks Production Records and Reduces Costs by 17.8%
Red D GEM Reaches 600 Blasts and Generates Impressive Savings for Chihuahua Mine
Bulk Emulsion Underground Decreases NOx by 80%
Reducing NOx while Maintaining Excellent Fragmentation and Diggability in Large Iron Ore Mine
E*STAR System Implementation Yields 33% Cost Reduction
Finding Solutions, Correcting Inefficiencies and Managing Change after a Two Year Shutdown
Castkill NY Quarry Loads and Blasts 208,412 Tons in a Single Day
E*STAR System Implementation Yields 33% Cost Reduction
Explosive Volume Reduced by 9% in Swedish Mine
Limestone Quarry Blasting Optimization in South Antofagasta
Narrow Vein Blast Using Electric and Non-Electric Detonator Breaks More than 2,000 Metric Tons
Reducing NOx while Maintaining Excellent Fragmentation and Diggability in Large Iron Ore Mine
Castkill NY Quarry Loads and Blasts 208,412 Tons in a Single Day
Limestone Quarry Blasting Optimization in South Antofagasta
Reduction of Ground Vibrations by 14% with Blast Size Increase by 300%
E*STAR System Implementation Yields 33% Cost Reduction
Finding Solutions, Correcting Inefficiencies and Managing Change after a Two Year Shutdown
Optimization with Combined Measures - E*STAR and Fragmentation Analysis
Red D GEM Reaches 600 Blasts and Generates Impressive Savings for Chihuahua Mine
Reduction of Ground Vibrations by 14% with Blast Size Increase by 300%
Explosive Volume Reduced by 9% in Swedish Mine
Methodical Blast Pattern Expansion Breaks Production Records and Reduces Costs by 17.8%
Optimized Blasting and Cost Reduction in Tennessee Quarry
Red D GEM Reaches 600 Blasts and Generates Impressive Savings for Chihuahua Mine
Explosive Volume Reduced by 9% in Swedish Mine
Bold Solution for 90' Burden Removal
Quarry Continues to Operate with Limited Impact to its Neighbors
Reduction of Ground Vibrations by 14% with Blast Size Increase by 300%
Strategic Blasting for Conveyor Installation 50 Feet from Plant
40 Workdays Saved for the Largest Infrastructure Project in Norway
Optimization with Combined Measures - E*STAR and Fragmentation Analysis
RFID Technology Reduces Logging Time by More Than 50%
Red D GEM Reaches 600 Blasts and Generates Impressive Savings for Chihuahua Mine
Highway Slip Remediation Ensures Safety and Compliance
Narrow Vein Blast Using Electric and Non-Electric Detonator Breaks More than 2,000 Metric Tons
We are a traditional manufacturer of initiation systems for industrial blasting operations and an important technological and research base for production and further development of initiation systems.
Visit SiteAustin Powder Service CZ implements the latest technologies and products for blasting works, such as laser profiling, electronic modeling, and electronic detonators.