Q: The store claims that if I have 4GB of data, I get the first 3GB automatically and the last 1GB only with the T-Mobile app installed. It is so?
A: Yes, it is. It’s in the terms of the contract.
Q: By when do we have to change the tariffs?
A: Until the end of June.
Q: What if I forget or miss it?
A: From 7/1 you will pay the full price, which is high for these tariffs.
Q: Will tariffs be changed centrally?
A: No, only the owner of the number can change the tariff.
Q: Where can I change the tariff?
A: At the store, on the T-Mobile portal or at the helpline.
Q: What is the program number and password? They want it from me at the store.
A: Number: 40101115262, password: 10410142
Q: What about Vodafone.
A: You can only have ZP with one company to get all the benefits. We chose T-Mobile.
Q: I wanted to add a sixth number. They told me on the line that it’s not possible, but if Austin agrees, then they can do it.
A: They can’t. It is wrong information. It is clearly stated in the contract that you can only have a tariff for five numbers. The sixth cannot be added.
Q: What if I have more numbers from before?
A: You’ll keep them, but if you cancel or transfer one of them, you won’t get a replacement.
Q: So what tariff should I get?
A: We don’t know, but the following video, examples and price list will help you choose.
Připravili jsme soubor, kde jsou všechny ceny. Jsou tam příklady, které jste mohli vidět ve videu. A je tam také tabulka, kam si můžete zkusit napsat minuty a počty SMS z vašeho vyúčtování a porovnat, jakou dostanete výslednou cenu u jednotlivých tarifů. Ukázka použití je taky ve výše uvedeném videu.
We have prepared a file where all the prices are. There are examples that you may have seen in the video. And there is also a table where you can try to write down the minutes and number of SMS from your bill and compare the resulting price for each tariff. A demonstration of use is also in the video above.
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