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Company News

  • Austin Detonator among the best exporters of the year
    Awarding of certificate

    In 2018 we achieved ours historically highest sales volume of almost two billion CZK. The growth 2017 – 2018 was so significant that we managed to succeed in the national competition EXPORTER OF THE YEAR. On the 9th of December, representatives of ...

  • The EFEE World Conference on Explosives and Blasting
    AP Booth

    From 15th to 17th September Austin Powder participated at EFEE conference held in Helsinki as an exhibitor. The booth graphics communicated ONE AUSTIN, E*STAR, EMULEX and Shock*Star PF and it was a great opportunity for us to communicate the directio...

  • Shock*Star PF
    Detonator cord

    One of many things we care about is Nature. Plastic residues are polluting our environment and we decided to change that. In the sky of Austin Powder a new star is born, Shock*Star PF. Shock*Star PF nonelectric detonators are designed especially for ...

  • 1 834 E*STAR detonators blasted in Sweden

    Almost 1 850 electronic detonators were fired in the Svappavaara iron mine, Sweden. That’s the highest amount of E*STAR detonators per blast in history. Two connected E*STAR Blasting Machines were used. The actual E*STAR system limit is 3 200 deton...

  • Austin organizes a meeting of Zlín region businessmen
    Work meeting

    We are the only company in Vsetín that is a member of the Association of the development of the Zlín Region. The association has 23 members, including companies and institutions of the Zlín region. It is also a partner for Zlín region politicians...

  • Celebrating Our Accomplishments at ISEE
    Speaker at the ISEE

    Vsetín, February 22, 2019 The annual conference of the International Society of Explosives Engineers (ISEE) was held in Nashville, TN this year (27th – 30th January) and was very special for the Austin Powder family because two of our own, Mr. Dav...

  • Doors Open Day - Austin
    Open house

    Vsetín, 15. 9. 2018 Although the demand for our products exceeds the current production capacities of our company, we decided to stop production on Saturday and open the gates to the public. Five years ago Austin celebrated this way the 60th annive...

  • 20 Years of Cooperation with CQS
    Presenting the cake

    Vsetín, September 3, 2018 A recertification audit according to ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, OHSAS 18001:2007 standards, and a certification audit according to ISO 45001:2018 standards have taken place in Austin Detonator s.r.o. on September 3. The...

  • Rock*Star Starter
    Rock*Star Starter

    Starting non-electric blasts is now easier with the new Rock*Star Starter detonator. Initiation of non-electric blasts with the electric detonator was never easier. The electric detonator equipped with a plastic connector allows easy connection of on...

  • More Than 1 000 Employees Work in Austin
    Worker at station

    Vsetín, 24th April 2018 Although there is a high demand for labor in general, Austin Detonator s.r.o. as one of the most significant employers in the Vsetín region is still succeeding in hiring new workers. Every day, 1 017 employees go through the...

Social Media
Recent News
Automatická linka ELEKTRA II v pilotním provozu

Na podzim minulého roku jsme instalovali již druhou automatickou linku na sestavu elektronických rozbušek E*STAR. V pilotním provozu dosud vyrobila více než 180 000 ks rozbušek. Provozní zkouška nové automatické linky ELEKTRA II byla sp...

Austin v robotizaci posiluje

Nová robotická smyčkovačka ROS4/2 zdvojnásobila kapacitu výroby smyček přívodních vodičů elektronických rozbušek E*STAR. Ke konci minulého roku jsme převzali a následně uvedli do provozu v pořadí již druhé robotické zařízen...

Austin Detonator spouští novou brandovou kampaň se zaměstnanci v hlavní roli

V dnešním uspěchaném světě je nezbytné mít silnou značku, která se vymyká konkurenci. Proto jsme spustili novou brandovou kampaň, která má za cíl nejen posílit povědomí o Austinu, ale také ukázat, proč jsme firmou, kde stojí za ...

The success of E*STAR GO in Mexico and Ecuador

Austin Powder is proud to share the success of our E*STAR GO detonator system in quarry operations across Mexico and Ecuador, which has earned glowing feedback from customers. Key Highlights: Mexico: The CEMEX group has used E*STAR GO detonators for ...

Austin Powder Unveils E*STAR GO

E*STAR GO is a user-friendly, entry-level electronic detonator system for quarry blasting applications. Austin Powder is pleased to announce the launch of its latest innovation in electronic detonator technology: the E*STAR GO system. Designed with ...

Austin se opět představil žákům a studentům ve Zlínském kraji

Listopad je pro nás již tradičně měsícem bezprostředního kontaktu a komunikace se žáky a studenty, kterým se na takto zaměřených akcích prezentujeme jako možný budoucí zaměstnavatel. Během celého měsíce se Austin účastnil akc...




We are a traditional manufacturer of initiation systems for industrial blasting operations and an important technological and research base for production and further development of initiation systems.

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Austin Powder Service CZ implements the latest technologies and products for blasting works, such as laser profiling, electronic modeling, and electronic detonators.
