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E*STAR Electronic Initiation System first used at Saudi Arabia’s NEOM Project


Austin Powder has conducted its first E*STAR blasts at the Neom project in Saudi Arabia. The system was used to control vibration, air blast, fragmentation, and slope stability. After personnel training, the system was successfully implemented and 4,700 E*STAR detonators were used during the first half of August.

The initial results were very satisfactory. The E*STAR electronic initiation system, which is expected to be used regularly from now on, is ahead of its rivals due to its reliability, capacity, and user-friendliness.


About The NEOM Project

The Neom project is a futuristic 500 billion dollar development project of Saudi Arabia, during which a 170 km long, 200 meters wide, and 500 meters high megastructure of The Line city will be erected. The investment is planned to be completed in 2030.

By 2026 Neom is expected to house some 450,000 people, raising the number to 1.5 to 2 million people by 2030. Eventually, it is expected to accommodate nine million people.

The Line will be self-sustained. It will be powered entirely by clean energy and will have no streets and zero carbon emissions.

The project groundwork, including the foundations, will last 10 years. Many jobs will be created and it will drive economic growth, and attract investment to Saudi Arabia. Austin Powder is proud to be a part of this important project and looks forward to helping the Neom team achieve its goals.

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