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  • Rock Densities
  • Formulas & Calculations
  • Unit Conversions
  • Glossary
  • Blaster's Info

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  • Blaster's Rules
  • Misfire Procedures
  • Reclosure of APC Partial Packages
  • Reclosure of ASD Partial Packages
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  • Benefit Studies
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  • IME Information
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  • Blaster's Guide

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  • Rock Densities


    0 3 6
    • Coal Bituminous
      1.5 1.2
    • Coal-Anthracite
      1.8 1.3
    • Soil
      2.0 1.5
    • Concrete
      3.2 1.6
    • Chert
      3.6 2.0
    • Marlstone
      2.5 2.0
    • Oil Shale
      2.2 2.0
    • Quartzite
      2.8 2.0
    • Sandstone
      2.8 2.0
    • Clay
      2.2 2.1
    • Marble
      2.9 2.1
    • Perlite
      2.2 2.1
    • Rhyolite
      2.6 2.1
    • Salt Rock
      2.6 2.1
    • Phyllite
      3.2 2.2
    • Silica Sand
      2.8 2.2
    • Gypsum
      3.3 2.3
    • Siltstone
      2.8 2.3
    • Claiche
      2.5 2.4
    • Graywacke
      2.5 2.4
    • Limestone
      2.9 2.4
    • Schist
      3.0 2.4
    • Shale
      2.8 2.4
    • Argillite
      2.8 2.5
    • Asphalt
      2.6 2.5
    • Feldspar
      2.8 2.5
    • Mica Schist
      2.9 2.5
    • Proxenite
      3.5 2.5
    • Slate
      2.8 2.5
    • Andesite
      2.8 2.6
    • Conglomerate
      2.7 2.6
    • Diabase
      3.0 2.6
    • Gneiss
      2.9 2.6
    • Granite
      2.9 2.6
    • Kaolinite
      2.7 2.6
    • Pegmatite
      2.7 2.6
    • Talc
      2.8 2.6
    • Trap Rock
      3.0 2.6
    • Aplite
      2.8 2.7
    • Granodiorite
      2.8 2.7
    • Kyanite
      3.3 2.7
    • Quartz
      2.8 2.7
    • Syenite
      2.8 2.7
    • Anorthosite
      2.9 2.8
    • Basalt
      3.0 2.8
    • Charnokite
      2.9 2.8
    • Diorite
      3.0 2.8
    • Dolomite
      2.9 2.8
    • Amphibolite
      3.1 2.9
    • Gabbro
      3.2 2.9
    • Greenstone
      3.1 3.0
    • Hornfels
      3.3 3.2
    • Olivine
      4.3 3.2
    • Magnetite
      4.3 4.2
    • Barite
      4.6 4.3
    • Hematite
      5.3 4.5




We are a traditional manufacturer of initiation systems for industrial blasting operations and an important technological and research base for production and further development of initiation systems.

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Austin Powder Service CZ implements the latest technologies and products for blasting works, such as laser profiling, electronic modeling, and electronic detonators.

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